Opus Podunk - Shady Lane

At one time we were happy, now we're sad
Once you could see smiling faces
Now you see rows and rows of those who've had
Tragedy in their life of all places
In shady lane we were bright
Now shadows make it dark as night
Once where laughing children played
What's a snarling darkened day

Oh, the sunny side of shady lane
When will we be happy again?

Smokey the bear's a lying fuck-ass
He never touched me, I whupped him
The bitch'd get whomped by a blade of grass
Though I'll admit he can bite and hold on like sin
Now the bear's the least of my worries
For platypi march as torries
In a town torn and tear
Shady lane is worse for the wear

The platypi come at night
They bite at me with a terrible might
Try as I might I cannot fight
The shade has won the night